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It Never Rains In Southern California!

What Is Happening?

It is hot, sunny and windy. Then in a flash with the sun shining brightly, the sound of rain cuts through my afternoon nap. In a daze, Riley and I venture to the back door of the house to see what Dad is looking at. He has his cell phone out and is recording a freakishly heavy cloud burst. Rain is pouring down!

Now Riley and I just have to venture out to look around. Whoops, it is heavier than both of us thought. Riley decides to take a bathroom break and I concur. Wrong! I get quite wet doing my business. Click on the link below below and see what I mean. Its good Klee Kai have double thick coats to keep us protected. Enjoy the last days of August as September is almost here. Riley and I are. Good bye for now.

AKK Investigate the Rainy Backyard

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